Make better decisions faster

Cenergi provides a path for IT organizations have complete visibility into their environment, identify opportunities for improvement using their data, provide access to thousands of use cases on different ways to achieve improvement and ultimately culminating in dramatically shorter decision timelines and accelerated time to value.
Move from having no time to research, network, peer-review, or complete projects, to the ability to reallocate and use time more effectively to talk to the business, solve problems, and grow the organization.

Three major issues dominate IT organizations all over the world

There is a skilled worker shortage.

There are too many options in the marketplace.

Fiscal budget constraints.

At Cenergi -- we refer to these issues as the ‘IT Paradigm’.

Innovation is impossible without talent

IT organizations are not able to fill the open positions that they have with reliable team members. For instance, there are currently over 3 million open cyber security job requisitions alone.
Further, there is a great deal of churn in the space. The IT market is very competitive and other companies are poaching the top talent.
And, unfortunately, the essential skill transfer is not happening at the top of organizations. Partly because of the risk of those skills going to a competitor. Partly because there is no available time to do so.
This is leading to burnout and IT being forced to be reactive and not proactive.
Real innovation is becoming increasingly difficult, if not non-existent, because with less people available, those remaining in the organization have little to no time to innovate.

Too many IT options, not enough time

We are all burdened with the limitation of knowing what we know. We call it our experience. We refer to it as our skill. However, because of time constraints, learning new skills or new ways to solve problems is an impossible task. 
The Digital Reformation is creating more problems to solve​. Old ways don’t translate into future solutions and need to be redefined.
IT teams have much less time available and are not able to research new solutions or execute due diligence. So, they continue to work with the same ol providers as they don’t have time to source new solutions.
There are tens-of-thousands of IT solutions to choose from. How does anyone navigate them in a timely manner if you have no time?
Rapid changes in the marketplace leave organizations with little understanding on who can or should be included in evaluation​. And even if there’s an expanded understanding of options, it is extremely difficult to navigate to the correct fit.

“This Paradigm is creating a time deficiency, and impacting the ability for firms to stay ahead and remain relevant."

The technology paradigm is stifling growth

This Paradigm is holding organizations back from growth, perpetuating layers of new problems and headaches, making it virtually impossible to come up with innovative solutions.
Further, the paradigm is adding excessive costs into the value chain and making it challenging to realize value in the IT infrastructure; which contributes to delaying critical IT projects, and forcing the IT executives to work in the business on tedious tasks versus being able to grow the business.

IT leadership is under fire

Although the paradigm persists, IT leadership is under growing accountability​ for outcomes and unforeseen liabilities.
Lack of talent is not a defensible position​. The long-standing way of addressing this is to partner with large consulting firms -- but these same firms are suffering from the same paradigm and the same problems​. New innovation is needed to solve these challenging problems.

Do more with less

Enterprise IT needs help to build a cost-cutting and IT budget maximization action plan based on your specific circumstances and timeline focus.
Optimize across 4 key categories:
  1. Workforce management
  2. Assets management
  3. Vendor management
  4. Project re-prioritization
Enterprise RISK is now a greater part of the overall picture​. Growth still dominates, but RISK is gaining.
The paradigm is THE contributing factor to RISK being at an all time high​.
The paradigm IS the vulnerability​ for organizations. 
The paradigm has become the tension point for achieving growth​.

Enterprise IT redefined

Cenergi helps IT organizations speed the time to value of new projects in a fraction of the time that it takes traditionally.

  • We provide visibility to an organizations current state IT spend.
  • We co-develop a strategy that uses our rationalization methodology to align solutions with long term business goals.
  • We help clients identify significant spend inefficiencies that when addressed lead to new available budget. We refer to these exercises as self-funding hunting excursions.

Cenergi is your partner to unlock new opportunities and fix problems.

e stay up to date with the Information Technology market, new technologies, and the technical implementation considerations. Cenergi manages the key aspects of the IT burden so that key contributors can begin to think strategically, work with the business, and do the essential things that drive the business forward.

Cenergi informed decisions deliver value

We are more than matchmakers. We are more than advisors. We add extra capacity to your IT organization and help confidently make decisions faster. We architect innovative solutions that allow you to “keep the blinky lights on” and for your business to grow efficiently and stay relevant & competitive. 

Cenergi consultants can help you get to where you need faster and more efficiently

Our vision is to create unique IT possibilities through collaboration -- and to be the single thread through the entire IT decision making, implementation, management, and optimization process

Cenergi helps you optimize spend and generate greater results from your IT organization.

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